Welcome to
Danilov Dental Laboratory!
Danilov Dental is a high-quality, full service laboratory specializing in complex crown and bridge, ceramics, removable full and partial dentures, implants, and full-cast restorations. Founded in 1979 by Jack Z. Danilov, GMDT, Danilov Dental continues to be a synergistic force in the research and development of new technology and materials in the dental industry. Danilov Dental is a Massad certified lab and Mr. Danilov is a member of the elite Dr. Joe Massad Lecture team! The development of a “natural” smile and balanced occlusion is the past and future goal of Danilov Dental.
Dr. Joseph Massad D.D.S. & Jack Danilov, GMDT
Click here to read more about Joe and Jack
Click here to read about Roy A. Smudde, D.D.S.